Mike's thoughts on the stock market and other assorted happenings of the world.

Thursday, June 4, 2015
Three Reasons Why Women Should Lead Household Retirement Planning
“From a practical
standpoint, the ‘’till death do us part’ wedding vow often has a brutal coda:
‘Until, I, your husband, die first.’ Fifty-two percent of women between the
ages of 75 and 84 are widowed, compared to 17 percent of men, according to the
Society of Actuaries. Among the 65-to-74 crowd, 26 percent of women are
widowed, and 8 percent of men have lost their spouse. With women more likely to
need retirement income to last longer, it makes a lot of sense for them to head
a couple’s retirement planning. David Littell, director of retirement income
planning at the American College, says a common lament he hears from advisers
is that couples don’t think through strategies that will provide the most
security for the surviving spouse.” (Bloomberg)